Get Lean Package

get lean sexy body and look good naked with our nutritional packages and meal plans

Want to be able to go to the beach and feel confident about your body?

Are you still looking at old photos dreaming of how fit you used to be?

This package contains a full nutrition plan that is designed to get rid of all of your extra fat layers (say goodbye to your love handles!), resulting in the lean shredded look you have always desired.

This package suits the average Joe, professionals who just can’t schedule much time away from the office, or parents who can’t ignore their obligations, to dedicate themselves completely to a certain type of “hardcore” diet.

This personal nutrition package adjusts to your lifestyle and schedule, and is easily sustainable for the long run. It is a realistic plan that is doable and will still get you the results you are looking for.

The package includes:

  1. A daily meal plan according to your preferences, dietary restrictions, foods that you just won’t live without (we won’t take away your peanut butter!), the number of meals you wish to eat in a day, scheduling meals according to your routine/work/family obligations, and more

  2. Compiling and creating your profile, understanding your needs, desired results, and setting realistic goals

  3. Online support service including solutions to special events such as holidays, weddings, or just going out with friends. In addition, our online support includes answers to your questions, adjustments, or changes to the plan according to your feedback/progress

  4. Full list of specific supplements recommended specifically for you, that will help you decrease your appetite and increase fat burn

  5. Mealtime strategies/planning for special events such as weddings, holidays, pageants, birthdays, pool parties, etc.