Bulk Up & Get Bigger

best training programs to get stronger, look better, get big, look sexy. EM sport science

It is time to finally make some gains! It is time for you to stop looking withered, atrophied, and weak like an ichiban noodle!

This training program is designed to help you maximize muscle gains and hypertrophy, resulting in the big muscular look you have always wanted.

Whether you are an 18 year old boy who never lifted a dumbbell in his life, or you spent a few years in the gym while eating “right”, and got zero results, we have the solution for you.

We will help you achieve the bigger arms and shoulders that you have always wanted, and lose the beer belly.

Say goodbye to the skinny disproportionate little kid in you and start your change today.

The package includes:

  1. A full training program specifically designed for you, your experience, your goals, and the facilities that are available to you

  2. Online support service including answers to your questions, feedback on your exercises technique, and changes to the plan according to your feedback/progress

  3. One-on-one consultation to create your individualized EM- Sportscience client profile. Your profile helps us understand your needs, desired results, time commitments, and can help you set realistic goals.

  4. The program includes flexibility and mobility sessions, warm-up sessions, and recovery sessions. These would improve your general feeling, health, and movement.