Stubborn Fat Package

look hot, sexy, toned, and lean, with our nutritional plans and meal plans. EM Sport Science.

Have you tried EVERYTHING out there, but you still cannot drop the extra 5lbs on your belly or triceps area?

This package will take away the stubborn fat that refuses to leave. Perfect for models, bodybuilders, actors, or anyone who “ have tried everything out there but cannot get this layer off!”

This full nutrition package is designed to lose the extra stubborn fat that never goes away (yes we are talking about your beer belly and the extra layer in your thighs/ back arm) resulting in the toned, shredded, sexy look you have always wanted for yourself.

The package includes:

  1. A daily meal plan including a full list of specific supplements recommended specifically for you, that will help you decrease your appetite and increase fat burn

  2. Timing of meals according to your training/work routine

  3. Compiling and creating your profile, understanding your needs, desired results, and setting realistic goals

  4. Online support service including answers to your questions, adjustments, or changes to the plan according to your feedback/progress

  5. Feeding and cutting strategies to help you prepare for games, competitions, pageants or photoshoots